Math Lesson Packages

Maloney Method - MATH Download Products



Teach Your Children to do Math Well
Order a set PDF books for teaching Math that follow a proven step-by-step method for teaching beginning readers how to crack the reading code.

These books have been tested and used by homeschoolers, tutors in after-school programs and parents who want to ensure that their children are accomplished readers.

Maloney Method Math Counting Fluency
Teach Your Children to do Math Well – Counting Fluency
Instructor Manual with Student Exercises



  • 1 Instructor’s Manual PDF

Counting Fluency, Full Program, Instructor’s Manual with Student Exercises

MATH PROGRAMS in PDF - Addition & Subtraction

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
Order a set PDF books for teaching Math addition and subtraction skills that follow a proven step-by-step method for teaching beginning readers how to crack the reading code.

These books have been tested and used by homeschoolers, tutors in after-school programs and parents who want to ensure that their children are accomplished readers.

MM Teach Your Children to do Math Well L2 Book Photo
Teach Your Children to do Math Well – Addition & Subtraction Fluency
$4.95 for each 5-Lesson Package.



  • 1 Instructor’s Manual PDF
  • 1 Student Workbook PDF

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 1-5

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 6-10

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 11-15

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 16-20

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 21-25

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 26-30

Addition & Subtraction Fluency
 – Lessons 31-33

MATH PROGRAMS in PDF - Multiplication & Division

Multiplication & Division Fluency
Order a set PDF books for teaching Math multiplication and division skills that follow a proven step-by-step method for teaching beginning readers how to crack the reading code.

These books have been tested and used by homeschoolers, tutors in after-school programs and parents who want to ensure that their children are accomplished readers.

MM Teach Your Children to do Math Well L3 Book Photo
Teach Your Children to do Math Well – Multiplication & Division Fluency
$4.95 for each 5-Lesson Package.



  • 1 Instructor’s Manual PDF
  • 1 Student Workbook PDF

Multiplication & Division Fluency
 – Lessons 1-5

Multiplication & Division Fluency
 – Lessons 6-10

Multiplication & Division Fluency
 – Lessons 11-15

Multiplication & Division Fluency
 – Lessons 16-20

Multiplication & Division Fluency
 – Lessons 21-25

MATH PROGRAMS in PDF - Fractions

Fractions Fluency
Order a set PDF books for teaching Math fractions skills that follow a proven step-by-step method for teaching beginning readers how to crack the reading code.

These books have been tested and used by homeschoolers, tutors in after-school programs and parents who want to ensure that their children are accomplished readers.

MM Teach Your Children to do Math Well Fractions Fluency Book Photo
Teach Your Children to do Math Well – Fractions Fluency
$4.95 for each 5-Lesson Package.



  • 1 Instructor’s Manual PDF
  • 1 Student Workbook PDF

Fractions Fluency
 – Lessons 1-5

Fractions Fluency
 – Lessons 6-10

Fractions Fluency
 – Lessons 11-15

Fractions Fluency
 – Lessons 16-20

Fractions Fluency
 – Lessons 21-27