Precision Teaching Series – Part 5 of 5: Summarizing Our Findings

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 5 of 5: Summarizing Our Findings”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 4 of 5: Exploring the Standard Celeration Chart

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 4 of 5: Exploring the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 3 of 5: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 3 of 5: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 2: The Benefits of the Standard Celeration Chart

Although there are three different scales for measuring temperature, (Fahrenheit, Celsius and Absolute), there is a simple device, a thermometer, that typically provides the information in two of the three scales. When our weather forecast provides us with a number in degrees that indicates the current and anticipated temperature, we can easily understand, use andContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 2: The Benefits of the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 1 of 5: What is Precision Teaching?

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 1 of 5: What is Precision Teaching?”