What The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has to say about the Maloney Method

Like all areas of endeavor, homeschooling has its share of magazines, newsletters, e-news, etc. We have been reviewed by several of them over the years, usually after we had written an article for them. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, pioneered by Paul and Gina Saurez, became one of the fastest-growing homeschooling magazines as the movement gatheredContinue reading “What The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has to say about the Maloney Method”

What does Practical Homeschooling Magazine say about The Maloney Method?

What Is Practical Homeschooling and Who is Mary Pride? Practical Homeschooling has been the leading homeschool magazine for the last 15 years and probably longer. Mary Pride, its editor, is the Oprah Winfrey of the homeschooling movement. She was there to participate in and write about many of the early battles, issues, concerns and questions faced byContinue reading “What does Practical Homeschooling Magazine say about The Maloney Method?”

New Podcast Interview: How To Help Children Who Are “Behind In School”

I recently did a great audio interview with Anna Laura, which she has podcasted on her website. You can find the interview here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spectrumofhope/2013/02/12/homeschooling-with-autism-with-michael-maloney The interview centered on getting results with children who are “behind in school”. It reviewed the research that has demonstrated which of 16 methods worked when compared one against the other inContinue reading “New Podcast Interview: How To Help Children Who Are “Behind In School””