Rote Counting Skills From a Number to a Number (Forward) : Part 2

Maloney Einstein Task 2: Rote Counting from a number to a number from memory. Think and Say Numbers from a number to a number (forwards)

The numbers as printed from a particular number to some other number (forward).

37      41        (5)

23       31        (14)
86       89        (18)

49       53
66       71
58       61       
10       13
72       76       
4         7
33       40
14       18
26       31
97       100     

Say to the student, Now we are going to learn to count from memory. I am going to count from 37 to 41. Listen. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. Listen again. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.”

“Count from 37 to 41 with me. Ready.” (Signal)

Count from 37 to 41 with the student.

“Let’s do that again. Count with me. Ready.” (Signal) “37, 38, 39, 40, 41.”

“Good work. Now try that all by yourself. Count from 37 to 41. Ready.” (Signal).

Listen to the child count from 37 to 41.

 “Good counting. Do that for me one more time. Ready.” (Signal)

Repeat task.

“Excellent, you are learning to count well.”

Correction Procedure:
If the child cannot count without making more than 3 errors, return to Task 1.

Repeat Task 2 with the remaining sets of numbers above.

Fluency Checks: See and Say Numbers or Think and Say Numbers
When students can count fluently, they can say numbers at a rate of 150
counts per minute with no more than 2 errors.

When they are touching each number the count will drop to 100-150 counts per minute. Before we move on to more complex skills, we need to be sure that the student can think and say the numbers from one number to another at 150 counts per minute with no more than 2 errors.

Say to the student, “Now we will do a fluency check for counting from a number to a number.

I will time you for 30 seconds. You will count from a number to a number as many times as you can until I say, Thank You.

 First I will say Ready.

Then I will say Please begin.

After 30 seconds I will say Thank You.

Count as many sets of numbers as you can. Ready. Please begin.”

Time the student for 30 seconds, then say, “Thank You.”

To calculate the score, count the number of numerals the student said using the numbers in brackets. Subtract any errors from this score. Multiply the total number of correct counts by 2 to get a count per minute for correct counts. Multiply the number of errors by 2 to get a count per minute for errors. Record both scores on the chart.

Note: If you do not do the fluency check each day, you will never know whether or not the student has fluent counting skills. You will not know whether to review or to go on to new tasks. To the extent that you do not know whether or not the student is fluent at this task, you risk putting the student at risk of failure on the subsequent tasks. Do the fluency checks daily until the student reaches 150 counts/minute with no more than 2 errors.

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