Rote Counting Skills From a Number to a Number (Forward) : Part 1

Until a student has well-developed counting skills, all other aspects of arithmetic will be difficult or impossible for them to do. Fluent counting skills are the basis for most other activities in arithmetic. There are a number of different components which make up the realm of counting skills that every student needs to be taught before he/she attempts to learn more advanced arithmetic operations such as addition or subtraction.

Counting forwards is essential for addition. Many times students are taught and practiced to count but they are always beginning to count from the number one. They never or almost never begin counting from any other number. As a result, some students become stipulated to the point that whenever they count, they can only start to count by beginning with the number one. This leads to a process which cumbersome and prone to errors.

In this exercise we will teach rote counting from a number to a number forward and practice until the fluency level of 150 counts/minute with 2 or fewer errors is reached.  The numbers in the brackets at the end of each line cumulate the score.


A copy of the numbers as printed below. These numbers start at a particular number and end at some other number (forward).

69  70  71  72  73  74                                   (6)

37  38  39  40  41                                    (11)

81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89                (20)

10  11  12  13                                           (24)

61  62  63  64  65  66                                (30)

32  33  34  35                                            (34)

4    5    6    7    8    9    10                          (41)

22  23  24  25  26  27  28                          (48)

1    2    3    4                                              (52)

46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53                    (60)

90  91  92  93  94                                      (65)

67  68  69  70  71  72                                (71)

97  98  99  100                                          (75)

Rote Counting from a Number to a Number (forward). See and Say Numbers Forward
This task should be done for a couple of minutes each day until the student counts quickly and easily without errors from any number to any other number.

Task 1: Counting from a number to a number

Say to the student, “Now we are going to learn to count from different numbers other than 1. I am going to count from 69 to 74. I will touch each number and say it. Listen.

Touch each number from 69 to 74 and say it. “Listen again.” “69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74.”

Touch each number from 69 to 74 and say it again. “69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74.”                                                                                             

“Count from 69 to 74 with me. I will touch the numbers. When I touch the numbers we will both say them. Ready.” (Signal)

Touch each number and count from 69 to 74 with the student.

“69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74.”

Say, “Now try that all by yourself. Touch each number and count from 69 to 74. Ready.” (Signal)

Listen while the student counts from 69 to 74 on his/her own.

You did it. Good counting. Do that for me one more time. Ready. (Signal)

Correction Procedure:
If the student has difficulty counting from 69 to 74, change the task. Cover the last two numbers and count from 69 to 72. When the student can reliably count to 72, add the last 2 numbers and count to 74.

Repeat Task 1 with the rest of the groups of numbers above.


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